Standard frigates Kortenaer class


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Dimensions21 × 14,8 cm

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The Kortenaer class frigates entered service in the Royal Navy from the late 1970s as replacements for the submarine hunters that were the workhorses of the fleet for many years. With sensors and equipment developed in the Netherlands, these ships were among the most modern in the world when they entered service. The painter is the namesake of the class Hr. Ms. Kortenaer is depicted as the central subject. The sonar bulge located under the bow caused a characteristic bow wave that was thrown up less far at high speed than with the submarine hunters. During the period that the Kortenaer class ships were in service, the Royal Navy made large squadron voyages, often to tropical destinations. The painter has depicted the ships in a tropical environment with an on-board helicopter of the Westland Lynx SH-14C type from one of the ships. The frigates served in the Royal Navy until the end of the 1990s. After decommissioning, two ships were sold to the United Arab Emirates, the others to Greece.


Pack of 5 postcards with high-gloss varnish.

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