The Battle of the Java Sea



The Battle of the Java Sea took place on February 27 and 28, 1942. An Allied squadron led by Rear Admiral Karel Doorman attempted to destroy the Japanese invasion fleet off the coast of Java. The Allied squadron consisted of fourteen Dutch, Australian, British and American ships. The Japanese forces had nineteen ships at their disposal. The Allies were no match for the firepower and armament (including heavier guns and aircraft) of the Japanese ships. After the battle, nothing stood in the way of the Japanese invasion fleet launching an attack on the Dutch East Indies. The painting is part of the collection of the Naval Museum in Den Helder.


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Art prints

Art is the product of skill and craft. It stands for originality, inspiration, authenticity & uniqueness. As an artist, Platje values the original characteristics of his work for good reason. Reproductions of this work deserve the same respect.
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