Roofdier class frigates


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Dimensions21 × 14,8 cm

In stock


The Roofdier class formally consisted of seven ships. Six of these small frigates were transferred to the Dutch Royal Navy by the American Navy as part of military support to European allies (MDAP). The seventh ship, Hr. Ms. Lynx, was from the Italian Albatross class and was only in service for a short time. Therefore I have not mentioned Hr. Ms. Lynx on the print. The ships mainly performed coast guard and fisheries police tasks in the North Sea. The frigates served until the 1980s. I have Hr. Ms. Wolf and Hr. Ms. Fret depicted off the coast near Huisduinen with the so-called Lange Jaap lighthouse, as an element recognizable to naval sailors.


Pack of 5 postcards with high-gloss varnish.

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